The awakening Project

A youth-focused civic enlightenment program

The awakening

The Awakening, is a youth focused civic enlightenment program aimed at enlightening young people in the South East on good governance, democratic principles, civic participation and active citizenship in order to awaken them to their civic responsibility and provoke them into demanding full representation, involvement and active participation in decision making and governance. 

The live radio broadcast aims at informing, motivating and empowering youth to become active citizens. Youth can change the world by becoming actively, meaningfully and substantially involved through political parties and beyond. We aim to improve the participation of young people in democratic decision making processes. The overall objective of the project is to deepen democracy and create an open society in Nigeria through mass media education and participation.


  • To educate youth and youth-led civil society organizations in the South East States on good governance and active citizenship in Nigeria.
  • To establish a radio program as a platform for creating awareness and communicating youth views and concern on issues of good governance and in particular their role in good governance.
  • To encourage youth and youth-led civil society in the South East states to participate in the good governance process.
  • Build a network amongst youth-led civil society organization (CSOs) in the South East of Nigeria.
  • Issue a monthly policy/advocacy brief developed from the deliberations of the youth panel in the radio program.

Project focus

Promote Good Governance

  • Good governance is, among other things, participatory, transparent and accountable. It is also effective and equitable and promotes the rule of law. Good governance ensures that political, social and economic priorities are based on broad consensus in society and that the voices of the poorest and the most vulnerable are heard in decision-making over the allocation of resources.
  • We are passionate about empowering youths to get involved in governance by holding government accountable. The youths need to be fully integrated into the 3 aspects of governance and be given the opportunity to get involved; Political governance, Economic governance and Administrative governance.

Civic education

  • Civic Education is an important component of education that cultivates citizens to participate in the public life to use their rights and discharge their responsibilities with the necessary knowledge and skills.
  • Civic Education or Citizenship Education is very vital for every citizen and the general public for multifarious reasons, among which are: It enhances people’s capacity to understand their rights, roles and duties as citizens and that they might respect that of others. Furthermore, it creates awareness among citizens on the duties of the government to them, as well as their obligations as citizens to the government.
  •  Our civic education program helps create awareness, teach right values, right attitudes and behavior that are acceptable to the society where individual lives.

Civic engagement

  • We encourage the general public to become involved in the political process and the issues that affect the community. It takes many forms from individual volunteerism to organizational involvement to electoral participation.
  •  We engage youth to make a difference in the civic life of their communities and develop the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to effect the desired change. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes

Project Updates

Recent News and Activities

activity Photos

Some of the Moments

The youths are lending their voices and getting involved in political matters