Improved learning outcome

A training of teachers on modern teaching strategies and management skills

Education in Nigeria

A 2016 Education Sector Support Program in Nigeria (ESSPIN) monitoring report indicated that only 12% of teachers in public schools practice participatory teaching methods. Also, a toolkit for secondary education teachers developed by Indiana University Bloomington in December 2015 shows that participatory teaching methods lead to improved learning both academically and socially. This helps the students acquire skills such as creativity, flexibility and the ability to think independently and critically.

What we did

As a response to this crisis in the education sector, SSDO with funding from the TY Danjuma Foundation and collaboration with the Enugu State Ministry of Education through the Enugu State Universal Basic Education Board (ENSUBEB), implemented the Improved Learning Outcome Project (ILOP). The project sought to improve the learning outcome of pupils in Enugu State by improving the capacity of teachers and facilitating participation in community school management. The project was implemented in 30 hard to reach communities where we trained 90 public primary school teachers on modern teaching strategies and 180 School-Based Management Committees (SBMC) members in six selected local governments on best management strategies respectively.

Our aim

To enhance the curriculum delivery of 90 teachers in 30 public primary schools in Enugu State leading to improved learning outcomes of the students.

Strengthen the capacity of the community to own and participate in school management by building the capacity of 180 SBMC members on school management.

How we did it

SSDO undertook targeted advocacy to the State Ministry of Education and the Universal Basic Education Board to solicit their support and commitment for the project. The outcome was a joint planning process that led to the selection of 30 public primary schools mostly situated in hard-to-reach communities and best fit for the intervention. The project, which was welcomed by the State Ministry of Education and the local communities, was officially launched by the Enugu State Commissioner for Education in June, 2018.

A community-led approach was adopted throughout the implementation period as community leaders and Local Government Education Secretaries joined the organization in joint monitoring visits to the schools, to ensure that the objectives of the project were achieved.

While the training of teachers was on-going, a 2-day capacity-building workshop was hosted for school-based management committees (SBMCs) in each of the communities. The training focused on best practices for school management, report writing and resource mobilization. Each SBMC created a one-year school development plan at the end of the workshop.

Our Success

90 teachers trained on modern teaching techniques and an additional 57 teachers trained through step-down training organized by the trained teachers

Capacities of 180 SBMC members strengthened on best school management strategies

Support from the Ministry of Education and host communities in the implementation of the project


The transfer of trained teachers and the retirement of headteachers hampered the performance of some of the affected schools.


If well mentored, the SBMC structure will bring continuous improvement and development to the education sector

activity Photos

Some of the Moments

Capacity building for teachers to achieve improved learning outcome of pupils in Enugu.